Slo Living Hostel

5 rue Bonnefoi 69003 Lyon 3e Arrondissement
5 rue Bonnefoi 69003 Lyon 3e Arrondissement
You will be able to reach Bellecour square, the city centre, in 10 minutes by walk. We welcome travelers from all over the world in our comfortable and stylish hostel designed by local architect and artists. We provide private double rooms but also small capacity dorms for more intimacy. You will be able to enjoy our wine bar and gastronomic specialities from Lyon. After a long day visiting Lyon, meet fellow travelers and just relax in our private and sunny patio. At night we also provide dinners 100% from Lyon. In our hostel, traveling is not a question go age but a state of mind. We will make you discover Lyon differently !

Slo Living Hostel has the Green Key certification.
Diese Einrichtung ist Accueil Vélo und bietet spezielle Dienstleistungen für Radfahrer an.

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